Sunday, June 5, 2011

My First Theory - The Certainty of Uncertainty

One Interesting Fact, I came to know from TED Talks.
Do you know that 75% of people in this world dream of similar place of living ?
A small beautiful house situated in plains. A hill on the eastern side with beautiful view of sun rise. A river or stream flowing from top of the hill. Beautiful grass lands with freely moving animals and chirping birds. Dense forests in the background.
Add uninterrupted power supply, 0% dependence for water and waste management. That shall be my dream house too.

Imagine that God granted you a wish. What will your wish be ?
A Life free from worries, tensions, failures and uncertainties ?
Certainty of Happiness, Peace of Mind, Tension-Free Life ?

Does Certainty contribute to Happiness ?
Imagine a Life with No difficulties, No challenges, No failures, No sorrows.
Can I appreciate Light without experiencing Darkness ?
Can I appreciate being Happy without ever being Sad ?
Can I savour the success in a race with no opponents ?

How can I say doing a particular task makes me Happy ?
There are 2 things to be considered.
1. Happiness during the execution of task.
2. Happiness after the execution of task.
Second part is very easy to understand - Uncertainty leads to happiness.
Take cricket as an example. See-Saw contests and Nail-Biting finishes make us more happy.
Take water rides as an example. Water rides that are unpredictable thrill and excite us.

What decides whether a situation leads to Short-Term Happiness or Long-Term Happiness ?
According to me, there are 2 factors.
1. Duration of uncertainty.
Surely, we can never compare the happiness of parents when they see their son/daughter achieve (Long-Term) with as silly as a Salary Hike (Short-Term).
2. How uncertain the situation actually is.
Surely, we enjoy/remember India beating Australia more than India beating Bangladesh.

Does that mean Uncertainty makes Life Happy ?
Surely, we enjoy uncertain and difficult tasks once completed.
However, we also need to consider Happiness during the execution of a task to conclude properly.
Take trekking as an example.
Lets say, I suggest trekking to my friends as a fun outing ! Everyone agrees and we start trekking. After 5KM trek in scorching sun, I start thinking,“How can I get such a crazy idea ?”
Assume, we gathered our internal energies and completed the trek. When we look back, we feel very happy and satisfied. But, are we happy during the trek ?

Agreed, uncertainty leads to happiness. But, how do we enjoy uncertainty itself ?
We can enjoy uncertainty and unpredictability in our lives only if we are sure that we are in right path to achieve our Aim/Destiny. Ya, I know that the difficult part is, not the path to destiny, but, understanding whats one destiny is. That shall be another blogpost though :)
Take the example of a cricket match between India and Australia.
If am captain of the Indian Team,
If its a practice match and India is in a losing position, I can still enjoy the match as my aim is to identify the mistakes not to win the match.
If its world cup final and India is 10/2 chasing 250+ runs, I can still enjoy the uncertainty if I am confident of winning the match.
We enjoy uncertainty and unpredictability of a Water Ride as we are certain that final destination is safe. Similary, we can enjoy uncertainty and unpredictability of a Trek if we are confident that we can complete it safely.

But, How do I know that I am in right direction ?
This is where Planning comes in. Planning provides you with milestones to check whether you are in right path. One famous quote (taken from a colleague),
“Planning is milestone for success. No Planning is planned milestone for failure.”

It doesn't sound convincing always though. Let me explain.
How do you explain the fun in a conversation between a group of Friends ?
We don't really plan to crack a joke. Its spontaneous. No one does any Planning. We still enjoy it. Here the plan is not to have any plan :)

How do you explain the difference between happiness of a person winning a Lottery of 1 lakh and happiness of a person saving 1 lakh ?
When we don't plan but still achieve, we are very happy like the person who won the lottery. However, we need to observe that there is no happiness till that moment. Only a burst of happiness at the end. Also, we are unsure if that moment arrives at all.
When we plan, we are trying to minimize the uncertainty in our thoughts and hence distribute the happiness throughout rather than in bursts. Minimizing the uncertainty in our thoughts doesn't make the task any less uncertain/difficult though.

Hence, Uncertainty leads to Happiness and Planning helps us enjoy Uncertainty itself. Darwin's Theory of Natural Selection says that Species which adapt to the enviroment last long. Human Being is one such Species. As Human Beings need Uncertainty to be happy, I conclude that Certainty of Uncertainty in this World is 1 :)


Kireeti (a.k.a ARAGORN) said...

Hmmm..Why are you so certain to talk about the uncertainty of certanty and certainty of uncertainty in this world?

Miriyala Aravind said...

@Kireeti : Because I realized that writing about uncertainty certainly makes one happier :)

Good quote ra Kireeti. I never realized that uncertainty of certainty is same as certainty of uncertainty !