Sunday, November 15, 2009

My First Book - A,B,C of Telugu Calendar

Everything has a start point.
One day, I was reading about Diwali. I came across this.
“Naraka Chaturdasi is celebrated on Chaturdasi, Krishna Paksha of Asvayuja Month. Diwali is celebrated next day.”
Chaturdasi ? Krishna Paksha ? Asvayuja Month ?
I heard each of them some day or other. But What do they mean? I knew nothing. I felt bad that day. Thats when a desire for understanding Telugu Calendar has born. As it always happens, its not going to be easy.

I started searching web for information on Telugu Calendar. Most of them (not all) don't arise any curiosity in you. Let me give an example.
There are 30 tithis in each Lunar Month. Tithi is the duration for the distance between Sun and Moon to increase by 12°. They are Prathama, Dvitiya, Tritiya...

How does it matter if the distance between Sun and Moon is 60° or 72°?
Why should I consider positions of Sun and Moon?
Why did they chose units like Tithi and not something else?
I do not blame them. Its just that I am looking for different information than provided by them. So I decided to explore further in this direction, add my ideas and write a book. Most of it is already known. I just tried to look at them in a new perspective.

Initially, I was thinking of completing the book and then placing it in my blog. However, I realized that its going to take time. I was losing interest as days pass. So I decided to document as I explore. However this might result in several errors and corrections!

Why did I call this A,B,C of Telugu Calendar?
This is not going to be comprehensive covering entire spectrum of topics related to Telugu Calendar. I left out letters D to Z in the title to signify that there are many things unexplored :)

How did I structure this?
We shall start with Basics of Astronomy covering the background necessary to appreciate Calendar units like Tithi, Nakshatra. Later, we shall explore the qualities desired in a Calendar unit. This way we shall try to understand how various Calendar units could have come into existence! Then we shall actually try to understand each Calendar unit.

This is my first attempt to present the things researched already in a new perspective.
Hope that I accept the errors that creep in!
Hope that I am as enthusiastic as now till the end!