Saturday, June 20, 2009

My First Translation - TED Talks

'TED Talks - Ideas worth spreading'
This sums up the whole concept of TED Talks.
Recently they started a massive Translation project that aims to translate each TED Talk into languages other than English. I got attracted instantaneously and volunteered for a translation. I signed up for translation of TED Talk on Sixth Sense.

If you are not following TED Talks, its worth checking it out once. Start with Sixth Sense. If you do like it, register yourself as a Volunteer and start translating. (However I should warn you that Telugu Subtitles are still not being rendered properly by any of the Video Players, I have seen)

I started looking for tools required for translation.
  • Telugu-English Dictionary - It is funny, but I find it difficulty to recall the exact word immediately.
  • Google Transliteration Bookmarklet - This transliterates input entered in any text box to Telugu.
  • DotSub Interface - This provides the necessary interface by allowing you to translate line by line with the help of English Subtitle.
  • Best of all, I have room mates who can help me out if i am stuck somewhere.
Finally, I received a mail saying that your request has been accepted and you have around one month to complete it, I wondered why would it take such a long time for translating a 8 minute talk.

I started with full enthusiasm as it always happens. But no sooner did I translate 2 lines, I got stuck. For example, consider this line.
'TED is the best networking place of this year'
How do I say it in Telugu? ee yeti goppa kalusukune chotu. This looks comical to me. How about the person viewing it?He may think that he is better off using English Subtitles.
Should I leave it just as Networking which destroys the purpose of Translation itself.

However I did complete it after one month or so. You can check it out here.
After review (It looks like not many volunteered for translation to Telugu Language), it will soon be on TED Talks.

I realised that translation requires much more than mere understanding of two languages. And some of the words look quite difficult. That explains why one would still get only C.P.Brown English-Telugu Dictionary when you google or for that matter bing internet. For your info, this is written around end of 19th Century.

But I am surprised that this doesn't stop people from developing wikipedia, wikitionary in Telugu. They deserve real appreciation from us for this.
Similary, I wonder how people wrote telugu blogs until now. If you don't believe me, check out Jalleda.

But after this, I can feel the excitement when you start writing in Telugu. If you don't believe me, read the racchabanda section of wikipedia or any Telugu Blog. You can immediately feel the warmth in it.

1 comment:

Miriyala Aravind said...

Translation is available here.

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